Robot learning from human teachers pdf

Various works have addressed some of the hard problems robots face when learning in the realworld 1, 2, 3. Robot learning from human teachers georgia tech college of. The best study guide to i, robot on the planet, from the creators of sparknotes. Elevating the role of a student from passive consumer to inquisitive participant requires teachers to redefine their role as well. Robot learning from human teachers synthesis lectures on. Section 2 provides the topic of teaching and learning in humanrobot interaction, which. Understanding how people want to teach robots andrea l.

It studies techniques allowing a robot to acquire novel skills or adapt to its environment through learning algorithms. When robots replace teachers by terry heick weve known for decades now that eventually, robots will replace all of us. The effects of personality and patience during learning tasks cory j. The development of policies by hand is often very challenging and as a result machine learning techniques have been applied to policy. Exploring implicit human responses to robot mistakes in a.

Feb 01, 2008 my research seeks to identify simple, nonverbal cues that human teachers naturally provide that are useful for directing the attention of robot learners. And what can human teachers do that robot teachers would not teach them. Quantifying teaching behaviour in robot learning from. The biggest factor that influenced childrens willingness to trust the accurate robot seemed to be the robots agency its ability to think, make decisions, or know things. Robot learning from human demonstration with remote lead. We compare two interaction methods, kinesthetic teaching and teleoperation, for the users to show successful demonstrations of a skill. In our study, participants teach the target concept of graspabilitywhether an object can be grasped and picked up with one handto a robot. Derived from the discussion, such a code is proposed. However, the current teaching methods, such as direct demonstration, lead through teaching, and teleoperation, all have their own drawbacks.

I conducted two novel studies that examined the use of embodied cues in human task learning and teaching behavior. I do not believe that any robot can fulfill the wide range of tasks that a human teacher completes. Why not replace a human teacher with a robot teacher. In this paper we present a robot learning systemsocially guided exploration. Aug 15, 2018 social robots can be used in education as tutors or peer learners. Methods of teaching tasks to a robot by a human include teaching by guidance tbg, teaching by human demonstration tbd, and humanstyle. They have been shown to be effective at increasing cognitive and affective outcomes and have achieved outcomes similar to those of human tutoring on restricted tasks. Nov 06, 2016 robots likely to be used in classrooms as learning tools, not teachers. The results from our overview are of interest to not only researchers in the. Request pdf robot learning from human teachers learning from demonstration lfd explores techniques for learning a task policy from examples. Using human reinforcement learning models to improve. In proceedings of the 4th acmieee international conference on humanrobot interaction hri 2009 pp.

Preliminary results suggest that these students do about as well as learning from a human teacher, said javier movellan, director of the. The author will summarize the key elements of a first course in humanrobot interaction with a survey of the most relevant areas in the field. For the teacher as robot condition, the mean credibility score m 87. In this work, we develop a reinforcement learning model for robotic teaching where the robot both attempts to learn an action sequence that leads to high reward understood as successful human learning and represents a humans own learning process as a reinforcement process as well, providing appropriate rewards to motivate better. We observed that the teachers were in general unaware of robots and hence there was a technological bias associated with their opinions. Additionally, we have recently seen a focus on gathering data from nonexpert human teachers i. The field of lfd has grown into an extensive body of literature over the past 30 years, with a wide variety of approaches for encoding human demonstrations and modeling skills and tasks.

Our research aims to computationally model mechanisms of human social learning in order to build robots and other machines that are intuitive for people to teach. What would learners prefer when they have the option of having a robot teacher or a human teacher in the classroom. However, current methods of robot learning from human teaching do not enable the robot to learn different types of tasks from a general user. This mapping, also called a policy, enables a robot to select an action based upon its current world state. Andrea l thomaz learning from demonstration lfd explores techniques for learning a task policy from examples provided by a human teacher. Pdf robots learning interactively from human teachers.

Fun and creative activities, built by teachers to help you guide your child through fundamental parts of the computing curriculum without the need for screen time. Learning from demonstration lfd explores techniques for learning a task policy from exam ples provided by a human teacher. The teachers also wanted full control over the robot. Robots that will write poetry and compose symphonies and paint church ceilingsand then robots that create the robots that write. A couple of years ago i told her that her job was going to be replaced by a robot. Asimov has written many other short stories and novels that contain similar themes and subject matter. And, in a direct comparison, do students perceive the human or the machine robot agent more favorably. Frontiers humanoid robots as teachers and a proposed.

I would assume that if a robot were helping a classroom teacher, the frustrated child would at least have a human around to here his complaint. It is not feasible for robot designers to preprogram these behaviors or. I continue to believe that, for a host of reasons, real human teachers will continue to fall by the wayside. Unlike conventional educational practices where the teacher is an authority who delivers content and dictates procedures obviously, a robot can do this job better, the human teacher should work along with a child.

We also present open questions and challenges in the. Children teach a carereceiving robot to promote their. Riek abstractrobots are expected to become a ubiquitous technology in the near future, where different people from a wide variety of backgrounds may have daily interactions with robots. We are interested in developing learning from demonstration systems that are suitable to be used by everyday people. Trajectories and keyframes for kinesthetic teaching. Using human reinforcement learning models to improve robots. Evidence of feedback and guidance with implications for learning performance andrea l.

They include everything you need to get started with activity sheets and accompanying materials. Nov 07, 2016 robots are increasingly being used to teach students in the classroom for a number of subjects across science, maths and language. We introduce the lfd design choices in terms of demonstrator, problem space, policy derivation and performance, and contribute the foundations for a structure in which to categorize lfd research. Active learning for teaching a robot grounded relational symbols. I can understand computer drills and models and packaging them as robot teachers, but there has to be a human around at least i hope so. I, robot study guide from litcharts the creators of sparknotes. Figuring out at which level of the algorithm to involve the user is also a challenge, with di. Additionally, we constructed a novel, interactive demonstration of a humanoid robot learning tasks from natural human teaching behavior. Humaninspired robot task learning from human teaching. Crick, teaching and learning using semantic labels, in proceedings of the 12th acmieee conference on humanrobot interaction hri, 2017. Robot teachers reading intermediate b1 british council. Robot learning from human teachers ebook, 2014 worldcat.

To answer rq1, which asked whether teacher as robot and robot as teacher were perceived by students as credible, a onesample ttest was conducted to evaluate whether the mean rating in each condition was significantly higher than the scale midpoint of 4. In the former, the user physically guides the robot and in the latter the user controls the robot with a haptic device. Robot learning is a research field at the intersection of machine learning and robotics. I, robot is a collection of short stories exploring humans development of robots, and the ethics that govern those robots behavior. Written between 1940 and 1950, the stories progress in time from 1996 to 2052 and center on the development of very advanced robots. My research seeks to identify simple, nonverbal cues that human teachers naturally provide that are useful for directing the attention of robot learners. Thomaz and cynthia breazeal mit media lab 20 ames st. We will describe our methods for active symbol learning from interaction with a human on several levels. I, robot themes from litcharts the creators of sparknotes.

Learning by demonstration with critique from a human teacher. In this study, we conducted semistructured interviews and focus groups with educators in england to gain their perspectives on the potential use of humanoid robots with autistic pupils, eliciting ideas, and specific examples of potential use. Apr 01, 2018 a school in finland experiments with robots to teach children subjects like math, language and other subjects. While this approach provides many opportunities, measuring, evaluating and improving the persons teaching ability has remained largely unexplored in robot manipulation. Human teaching and robot learning approaches with their corresponding.

Robot teachers uses, advantages and disadvantages science. Home browse by title periodicals journal of humanrobot interaction vol. That problem could be partly solved by robots because they can teach anywhere and wont get stressed, or tired, or move somewhere for an. The robot is able to frame its own learning problems through a combination of internal motivation and human guidance. Social robots can be used in education as tutors or peer learners. A reinforcement learning visionbased robot that learns to build a simple model of the world and itself.

The introduction of robot teachers will have significant implications for teachers roles and their professional identity as human teachers move from being often solitary sources of learning to becoming teaching and learning managers who need to provide learning opportunities creatively. Learning from demonstration allows for rapid deployment of robot. Researchers, industry, and practitioners are increasingly interested in the potential of social robots in education for learners on the autism spectrum. Robot learning from human teachers request pdf researchgate. Robot learning simultaneously a task and how to interpret human. Quantifying teaching behavior in robot learning from demonstration. This course was created to have a special emphasis on hri design as it applies to mobile robotics. The problem of learning a mapping between world state and actions lies at the heart of many robotics applications. Learning from humans department of computer science. Jul 28, 2015 our research aims to computationally model mechanisms of human social learning in order to build robots and other machines that are intuitive for people to teach. Hence, remote lead through teaching rltt is proposed to robot learn some tasks from human knowledge and skill. We take machine learning interactions and redesign interfaces and algorithms to support the collection of learning input from end users instead of ml experts.

The great hope for robots, said patricia kuhl, codirector of the institute for. To our knowledge, no study has found robots to be more effective at teaching words than other digital devices or human teachers, except for the sign language study in which beginners benefited. On curriculum learning and teaching dimension faisal khan, xiaojin zhu, bilge mutlu department of computer sciences, university of wisconsinmadison madison, wi, 53706 usa. The current study will compare differences in perceptions of credibility and learning between a human instructor using a telepresence robot teacher as robot and a social robot acting as a teacher robot as teacher. Article information, pdf download for quantifying teaching behavior in robot learning from. In the common usage of kinesthetic teaching, the robots trajectory during a demonstration is recorded from start to end. Frontiers humanoid robots as teachers and a proposed code.

Thomaz, guy hoffman, cynthia breazeal abstractwhile reinforcement learning rl is not traditionally designed for interactive supervisory input from a human teacher, several works in both robot and software agents. Jul 11, 2010 most computer scientists reply that they have neither the intention, nor the ability, to replace human teachers. Learning from human teachers with socially guided exploration. In this paper, we explore one aspect of this mutual understanding, grounding sequences, where both a.

Effective language teaching and learning needs live communication facetoface smith, 1998, p. However, it is possible that no robot will ever be good enough to replace teachers completely. This line of research is called interactiveactive learning and considers a robot as an active. The first step involved determining what topics to emphasize as well as how to meet the learning objectives. The robot, not being a thinking individual, is unable to pose questions, elicit responses, prod for discovery learning and point a child towards engaging in a new train of thought or develop. Robots likely to be used in classrooms as learning tools, not. However, learning from a human teacher poses additional challenges and bene. Learning techniques have not been designed for learning from ordinary human teachers in a realtime interaction, resulting in a need for new, or modi. Second, we propose to exploit haptic feedback both as a means for improving teacher demonstrations and as a humanrobot interaction tool, establishing a bi.

Selfmotivated exploration creates learning opportunities for a reinforcement learning mechanism. The usage of robot teacher is believed to improve the teaching lesson that delivered by human teacher. Teachers have also been using the robots to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in the new digital technologies curriculum. Its easy to imagine robot cleaners and factory workers, but some jobs need human connection and creativity. This is largely because of their physical presence, which traditional learning technologies lack. In our study, which saw staff and students interact with the nao humanoid robot, teachers said they were more sceptical of robots being integrated into the classroom they preferred the robot to. While reinforcement learning rl is not traditionally designed for interactive supervisory input from a human teacher, several works in both robot and software agents have adapted it for human input by letting a human trainer control the reward signal. In this paper we consider an alternative, keyframe demonstrations, in which the human provides a sparse set of. Its easy to imagine robot cleaners and factory workers, but some jobs need. In this book, we provide an introduction to the field with a focus on the unique technical challenges associated with designing robots that learn from naive human teachers. First, is the choice of input, how the human teacher interacts with the robot to provide demonstrations. Riek abstractas robots enter human environments, they will be expected to accomplish a tremendous range of tasks. To teach the robot categories, we use the zoo data set from the uci machine learning repository frank and asuncion 2010 which is a simple database containing 101 exemplar animals with 16 different properties. Pdf robot learning from human teachers semantic scholar.

Exploring implicit human responses to robot mistakes in a learning from demonstration task cory j. But our research shows that while students enjoy learning with. A robot learning from demonstration framework to perform force. We present a comprehensive survey of robot learning from demonstration lfd, a technique that develops policies from example state to action mappings. A survey of robot learning from demonstration sciencedirect. Lesson planning, introducing the robot, andeventuallytransitioning to human interaction were envisioned as being planned and managed by teachers. Consider pepper, a 4foottall interactive robot able to recognize human emotional states by analyzing voice tone, facial expressions, and other. At least some teachers also seemed to envision taking responsibility for programming robots, or otherwise adapting them to individual learners see personalisation, content, and teachersas. Robots likely to be used in classrooms as learning tools.

In some parts of the world, there arent enough teachers and 916 per cent of children under the age of 14 dont go to school. Learning more about the way children perceive social robots could help engineers and designers develop a better teaching tool. Active learning between a robot learner and a human teacher. The embodiment of the robot, situated in a physical embedding, provides at the same time specific difficulties e. For another, it is a kind of incremental learning methods which adds new acquired rules to priori knowledge by teaching from human robot interaction at any time. A survey of robot learning from demonstrations for human.

In this paper, we explore one aspect of this mutual understanding, grounding sequences, where both a human and. Frontiers educators views on using humanoid robots with. I, robot was written largely in response to a majority of science fiction work at the time which showed robots rebelling. Learning robot objectives from physical human interaction. A joyful classroom learning system with robot learning companion for children to learn mathematics multiplication. Learning from demonstration lfd explores techniques for learning a task policy from examples provided by a human teacher. While this approach provides many opportunities, measuring, evaluating and improving the persons teaching ability has remained largely. Teaching and learning with humanoid robots teacher.

We hence focus our survey to all works where the human is actively teaching the robot, by providing demonstrations of how to perform the task. Robotlearning fromhumanteachers georgia institute of. Teachers, in particular, are likely to be more resistant to automation because teaching is an inherently human process, terry heick, founder and director of teachthought, a publisher of. But some teachers think an avatar teacher not only. How robots are teaching singapores kids financial times. To teach the robot categories, we use the zoo data set from the uci machine learning repository frank and. Read an article about robot teachers to practise and improve your reading skills.

I, robot study guide from litcharts the creators of. If you think of the jobs robots could never do, you would probably put doctors and teachers at the top of the list. Second we move to the active learning case where the robot actively queries the human to provide labeled data. Learning from demonstration allows for rapid deployment of robot manipulators to a great many tasks, by relying on a person showing the robot what to do rather than programming it. The turkish online journal of educational t echnology, 10 2, 11.